Civic Education: Clinton Middle School Mock Town Meeting
Town Meetings
Select Board Transparency and Communication
- Our Select Board does not publish their meeting packets. The Manchester Select Board has published their meeting packets since 2021.
Accountability of Officials
Resident Participation
- A Select Board policy does not allow a resident to serve on more than three public bodies, including elected positions and positions appointed by the Town Moderator. In July 2022 the Select Board refused to give one resident an exemption to this policy, but exempted another resident who more than a year later is still on four committees.
- Several instances are documented in Zoom meeting recordings.
- Massachusetts High Court Strikes Down Town’s Civility Code as Unconstitutional
Timely Decision Making and Action
- The Town Clerk does not keep a list of citizen petition articles passed by town meetings.
Planning for the Future
- The Select Board has taken no action on the Net Zero 2040 resolution passed by town meeting in April of 2022.
- The Select Board has taken no action on the resolution passed by town meeting in April of 2017 for a sewer-capacity management plan.
More details in progress…

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For reporting check out the news.